Cambodia Clarifies Stance over Russia-Ukraine Crisis

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia has issued a statement clarifying the Kingdom’s stance over the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

The full statement dated Mar. 3 reads as follows:

“Last night, the Royal Government of Cambodia took the decision to join the co-sponsoring of the Resolution of the Emergency Special Session of the UNGA on the situation in Ukraine.

During the session, Cambodia expressed its grave concern on the intensifying gravity of the situation and worsening humanitarian conditions resulting from the ongoing military hostilities in Ukraine.

We believe in dialogue and diplomacy to prevent the situation from getting out of control and to find a peaceful resolution in accordance with international laws and the principles of the UN Charter.

While understanding the security concerns at stake, Cambodia upholds its firm position that all Member States must respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of other Member States.”

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press